Free pantomime scripts cinderella

Ben crocker pantomime scripts hilarious panto scripts. Royalty free downloadable school plays and pantomimes since playstage junior started in 2002, our plays have been performed by englishspeaking primary schools. Pantomime scripts and plays read complete scripts for. Traditional panto scripts with a modern feel include aladdin, cinderella and many more. My adaptation remains true to the traditional story with the regular characters all in there. Traditional pantomime scripts with a modern feel from ben crocker. Scripts for kids funny adaptations of traditional fairy tales, folktales, myths and legends for schools and childrens theatre. I do have a more classical version of this pantomime somewhere but i. All the scripts can be read in full on the lazy bee scripts web site. All versions are also available without hagan the pantomime horse. Aladdin, beauty and the beast, cinderella, snow white, sleeping beauty, treasure island and many more.

Cinderella and the crystal slipper panto scripts by. Pantomime scripts traditional with a modern feel read. Browse panto scripts online from the 385 pantomimes published by lazy bee scripts. Cinderella pantomime script by alan p frayn, stage right. The pantomime of cinderella by stephen wass a cut down version performable by a small cast of 6 or 7 at very short notice. Includes panto scripts for aladdin puss in boots cinderella snow white sleeping beauty whittington and his cat and robin hood plus oneact plays, murder mystery plays and play scripts for schools and childrens theatre. Posted on december, 2012 by ann perrin a do it yourself version of cinderella a tongue in cheek script written in haste. Looking for just the right christmas show for your theatre group. Click a panto to drop down to the script cinderella remains the most popular pantomime and the one that gets more people through the box office year after year. Pantomime scripts and play scripts from lazy bee scripts read the complete script for a pantomime or play on line. For a reading copy of any of these alternative versions, click here and select cinderella and specify the version you require in the message box on the order form.